As a current student or successful graduate of your school, you are the best predictor of what it takes to become a successful graduate of your school. Taken together with your fellow graduates, the data derived from your experiences define the unique characteristics of your school and allow prospective applicants to immediately understand how many of your unique success markers they share.
Colleges everywhere are under unprecedented budget and enrollment pressure and your input will have an immediate, positive impact on your school.
The quiz takes just 10-15 minutes and is organized into simple questions about your experiences in and out of the classroom. Your answers will always be kept secure and private.
Your inputs, when taken with graduates and current students, create the digital key to your school’s unique learning and social cultures. Applicants are then compared so they can be matched where they’re most likely to find similar success.
Once your data is ready, you’ll be able to check back and see how your answers compare to other members of your school community, other schools, and even this year’s new crop of applicants.
Troove is the first company to gather and use valuable input from alumni and enrolled students to match your future students. Who better to help you decide where you can succeed in and out of the classroom at any given school than the people who have already been successful?
Troove gives your school’s Admissions team a huge advantage in finding the applicants who will not only apply and enroll, but stay, be happy, and graduate.
Your answers are always kept completely confidential and are only ever shared as the blended answer for your school. Troove will never share your individual answers with anyone at your school or elsewhere. We will only ever use them without your identity in conjunction with data from other respondents. And of course, Troove will never sell your contact information to anyone.
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